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Hello!  Thank you for coming to my website.  I hope to make this a fun place for children and parents alike to come and enjoy a learning experience focused on the animals that are displayed in Santa's Baby.  I hope to also include a few tips for talking to your children about their feelings and provide interactive ways to do so.  

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My Story

    Allow me to tell you a little about myself.  I am a retired schoolteacher and elementary school counselor.  I am a mother of two adult daughters., and a wife to one fantastic husband.   Teaching and mothering have been my primary life goals.  In my retired life I have finally taken the time to engage in a few things I have always wanted to do.  I have wanted to paint and  to write a children's book.  Santa's Baby is a story idea I have had for years.  When I was young, my mother made Christmas magical for my sister and me.   I tried to carry on the traditions with my own daughters. When it came to writing Santa's Baby, I wanted to combine two of my children's favorite things, Christmas and animals.  I recall books I read as a child that held magical detailed illustrations.  I wanted to help create that in Santa's Baby.  Thanks to my illustrator, Kay Dawson, I was able to make my dream book come to reality.    


     My husband and I are both retired and living in Belize.  He is a retired airline captain and Navy pilot.  Because of his career (and his adventurous spirit) we have lived in four countries and enjoy traveling a great deal.  We love going out to the keys in our small panga boat.  I can spend hours snorkeling and taking photos of the amazing wildlife I see.  We both play a little pickleball and go to the gym a few times a week.  I hope to write more children's books! 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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